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TY10Model H1301二氟二氯甲烷回收装置ZX21


Model H1301二氟二氯甲烷回收装置

Model H1301二氟二氯甲烷回收装置
订 货 号:zy421764 品    牌:爱尔兰NTRON 产    地:爱尔兰 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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The Ntron Model H1301 is the smallest, fastest, and lowest cost complete Halon recycling machine available on the market. The H1301 is capable of extracting Halon from high-pressure vessels, purifying it to MIL-M-12218C or ISO 7201, and pumping the purified Halon into storage containers.
Model H1301 provides affordable Halon recycling to a variety of industries such as fire protection, oil refineries, military applications, industrial plants, and computer rooms.
Model H1301 is totally automated. It recovers in excess of 98% of system charged Halon. The User simply connects a vessel of contaminated Halon to the unit, and the system automatically regulates input pressure for high-pressure liquid, high-pressure gas, and low-pressure gas. It automatically vents the nitrogen from the cylinder.
Specifications/Recovery Performance:
Halon Recovery Efficiency: over 98%
Nitrogen Removal Efficiency: over 99%
Nitrogen Removal: Cold Vented at -51ºC
Average Recovery Rate: 2-4 lb/min (0.9-1.8 kg/min)
Internal Capacity: 55 kg.
Maximum Input Pressure: 1000 PSIG
-100º F Temperature Assures Purity:
A cascaded refrigeration system provides cooling temperatures as low as -100ºF, to assure complete Halon liquefaction. At -60ºF (-51ºC), the nitrogen gas is vented to the atmosphere and clean Halon is pumped into storage containers ready for future use.
Filtration Performance:
Acid Filter: 688 cm3
Moisture Filters: 1376 CM3
Moisture Indicator: Sight Glass
Particulate Retention: 98% of 1 micron (liquid), 98% of 0.4 micron (gas)
Particulate Filter Indicator: Pops out when filter is full
Totally automated
Fast operation
Recycles Halon to MIL-M-12218C or ISO 7201
Lowest cost
Halon Output Purity:
The Ntron Model H1301 meets MIL-M-12218C
99.6 Mole % purity in liquid phase
0.4 Mole % other halocarbons in liquid phase
3.0 PPM (by weight) acids
10.0 PPM (by weight) water
1.5% (by volume) fixed gases in vapor phase
Physical Requirements:
Dimensions: 965mm W x 1397mm L x 1676mm H
Weight: 455 kg.
Power Requirements:
205-225VAC, single phase 60Hz
205-255VAC, single phase 50Hz
(400VAC, 3 phase 50Hz optional)
9.0KW Maximum Power Load
Other Configurations Available:
Consult Neutronics Automotive



Model H1301二氟二氯甲烷回收装置


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爱尔兰NTRONModel H1301二氟二氯甲烷回收装置


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