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TY10RLD-7.2 / RLD-14数字调光器ZX21


RLD-7.2 / RLD-14数字调光器

RLD-7.2 / RLD-14数字调光器
订 货 号:zy400951 品    牌:以色列Rotem 产    地:以色列 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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RLD-7.2digital / RLD-14digital
The RLD-7.2 is Rotem’s two channels digital light dimmer. This powerful dimmer can work manually,
be directly controlled by your poultry house controller through either its analog output (0-10 volt) or through its communication line.
The RLD-7.2 is designed to be easy, safe and comfortable to use, install and service.
The RLD-7.2 has some unique features such as “bright” button,
that feature enables the grower to increase the light to a preset intensity for a preset time length.
The user can enter the house push the button and leave from another door knowing the light will automatic go back to the requested low intensity.
The RLD-72 can efficiently control Incandescent, Cold Cathode and CFL bulbs.
Since CFL lamp physical behavior differs from the incandescent lamps,
 Rotem’s R&D department made some researches on that issue.
Rotem checked different brands and measured the light intensity vs. Triac firing phase angle for:
-    SDS-23W and SDS-15W from U Lighting America CFL Lamps
-    MB-802D and MB-802DP from Litetronics CFL Lamps
The following was found:
-    There is a similarity in CFL lamps behavior.
-    There is a non linear behavior.
-    There are some limitations on firing CFL lamp at lower range.
-    The higher range of the lamp is not linear at all and big phase shifts should be applied in order to have a difference in light intensity.
Those issues were addressed in Rotem Light Dimmer software by the following means:
-    Mapping the whole period of half sine wave by the light intensity vs. Triac firing phase angle.
-    Rotem has restricted the low band operation.
-    Rotem provided some correction factors in order to overcome CFL lamp parameters deviations.
• Two independent channels
• Heavy duty 40 Ampere TRIAC for each
• 7,200 Watts (115 Volt), 14,400 Watts (230
Volt), 50/60 Hz
• Stable operation in low brightness (voltage)
• Manual / Off / Auto mode for each channel.
• Settings are saved automatically
• Settings are recovered after power failure
• Rugged terminals for the power cables
• Simple key hole mounting
• Water tight seals for cable entry



RLD-7.2 / RLD-14数字调光器


3.我们提供RLD-7.2 / RLD-14数字调光器计量送检,在签收前请详细核查资料信息.
4.TY10RLD-7.2 / RLD-14数字调光器价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
5.我们为阁下提供保修TY10RLD-7.2 / RLD-14数字调光器售后维修服务,提供后期技术支持.
6.阁下对TY10RLD-7.2 / RLD-14数字调光器使用方法等有需求时,将为阁下找到RLD-7.2 / RLD-14数字调光器说明书.

以色列RotemRLD-7.2 / RLD-14数字调光器


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