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订 货 号:ZY298361 品    牌:terra universal 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Air Filter Gauge
Manometer-type gauge measures pressure differentials across a cleanroom’s air filter to ensure correct filter operation
Incorporates a curved, inclined-vertical tube for wide pressure range and more increments at low readings
Provides measurements above and below atmospheric as well as of differential pressure
Accurate to within ±3% of full scale
Easy to install
This Air Filter Gauge helps you ensure the correct operation of air filters and thus helps maintain the standards you require for your cleanroom.
It provides an accurate reading (in inches of water column) of pressure differentials across a filter. By comparing the resistance pressure with manufacturer’s recommended values, you can determine when a filter needs servicing or replacement before air leakage or contamination occurs. This gauge also helps you ensure that filters are properly installed; it should indicate an initial reading in conformance with the manufacturer’s data.
Its construction is simple yet rugged. The one-piece, noncontaminating, virtually indestructible molded white styrene-acrylonitrile housing holds the indicating tube and fluid wells, shock mounted glass level vial, zero adjust plunger, and leak-proof “O” ring seals. The front panel features molded ABS knobs. The aluminum scale is epoxy coated. Moderate overpressures are accommodated by an overflow tank.
For normal stationary installation, simply mount the gauge on any vertical surface with the two mounting screws provided. A built-in spirit level simplifies leveling before mounting screws are tightened. Fill the reservoir, adjust the fluid level to zero, connect the tubing, and the gauge is ready for operation.
Air Filter Gauge
Manometer-type gauge measures pressure differentials across a cleanroom’s air filter to ensure correct filter operation
Incorporates a curved, inclined-vertical tube for wide pressure range and more increments at low readings
Provides measurements above and below atmospheric as well as of differential pressure
Accurate to within ±3% of full scale
Easy to install
This Air Filter Gauge helps you ensure the correct operation of air filters and thus helps maintain the standards you require for your cleanroom.
It provides an accurate reading (in inches of water column) of pressure differentials across a filter. By comparing the resistance pressure with manufacturer’s recommended values, you can determine when a filter needs servicing or replacement before air leakage or contamination occurs. This gauge also helps you ensure that filters are properly installed; it should indicate an initial reading in conformance with the manufacturer’s data.
Its construction is simple yet rugged. The one-piece, noncontaminating, virtually indestructible molded white styrene-acrylonitrile housing holds the indicating tube and fluid wells, shock mounted glass level vial, zero adjust plunger, and leak-proof “O” ring seals. The front panel features molded ABS knobs. The aluminum scale is epoxy coated. Moderate overpressures are accommodated by an overflow tank.
For normal stationary installation, simply mount the gauge on any vertical surface with the two mounting screws provided. A built-in spirit level simplifies leveling before mounting screws are tightened. Fill the reservoir, adjust the fluid level to zero, connect the tubing, and the gauge is ready for operation.




terra universal空气滤清器


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