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TY10IAQ Surveyor室内空气质量监测仪ZX21


IAQ Surveyor室内空气质量监测仪

IAQ Surveyor室内空气质量监测仪
订 货 号:ZY299953 品    牌:灰狼 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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With 90% of our time spent indoors, determining the quality of the air we breathe indoors is essential for good health and productivity. The IAQ Surveyor II and IAQ Surveyor Pro monitor key indoor air quality indicators including carbon dioxide, humidity, temperature and carbon monoxide. Should these measurements fall outside internationally recognized guidelines, further tests can be made to suggest an appropriate course of action.
For example, studies into poor ventilation show that as room temperatures rise above 24°C (75°F) the concentration levels of occupants can drop by up to 50% and high levels of carbon dioxide result in drowsiness and perceived stuffiness. Both situations are very common and seriously affect productivity. Over-ventilation wastes energy and results in increased building running costs.
The IAQ Surveyor PRO includes a built-in micro-manometer to measure static pressure and differential pressure. The auto-zeroing pressure sensor allows for pollution pathways, HVAC systems, filter blockages and many other processes to be assessed for optimum performance. A type K thermocouple socket is also included for measurement with a variety of temperature probes: air, immersion, penetration, surface and other specialized temperature probes.
The Surveyor range has been designed with the user in mind. The large rubber grip, pushbuttons and hand strap ensure the units are comfortable to use, even with gloves on, and the side probe fixing allows single-handed operation. The large display allows parameters to be read simultaneously. Minimal training is required to use the instruments as the intuitive menu system and display provide step-by-step guides for each operation that are updated when smart probes are plugged in.
Both snapshot and advanced datalogging is included and WolfSense® PC data analysis software allows data to be downloaded for detailed analysis and reporting.
Multi-function probes
Simultaneous measurement of 4 key IAQ indicators; CO2, CO, %RH, °C/°F
Optional added telescoping hotwire airspeed probe, also measures %RH and °C/°F

Standard inputs (Surveyor PRO only)
Built-in, auto-zeroing, micro-manometer for differential pressure
K-type thermocouple for air/immersion/penetration/surface temperature

Data port
Allows logged data to be down-loaded to WolfSense® PC software for analysis
Manual or automatic datalogging available
Advanced datalogging for unattended surveys (Surveyor Pro)
Comfortable to use
Large rubber grip and hand strap
Single-handed operation

Intuitive menu system
Minimum training required
Easy to use
Screen prompts user through operation

Easy battery access
Disposable or rechargeable can be used
AC power adapter available

Large and clear display
Measures numerous variables simultaneously
Scroll through readings on display
Wide viewing angle ensures readings are always visible
Automatically updated when probes are plugged in
On-screen instruction for easy operation

Probe attachment
Probe can be fixed to side of instrument

Large pushbutton operation
Can be operated with gloves on

Durable housing
Impact resistant
Designed for everyday use

Probe connectors
Two probes may be fitted at one time<
Standard IAQ Surveyor Kits:
Part Number
IAQ Surveyor II Kit
IAQ Surveyor Pro Kit
IAQ Surveyor II Instrument
IAQ Surveyor Pro instrument
IAQ Four Function probe (1260GSS)
IAQ Four Function probe (1260GSS)
6ft of dual tubing
Carrying case
Carrying case
PC interface cable, D-shell
PC interface cable, D-shell
WolfSense® PC data analysis software
WolfSense® PC data analysis software

IAQ Surveyor室内空气质量监测仪


3.我们提供IAQ Surveyor室内空气质量监测仪计量送检,在签收前请详细核查资料信息.
4.TY10IAQ Surveyor室内空气质量监测仪价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
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灰狼IAQ Surveyor室内空气质量监测仪


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