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TY10Hand-Held Particle Concentration Meter/Particle Counter 手持式粒子计数器ZX21


Hand-Held Particle Concentration Meter/Particle Counter 手持式粒子计数器

Hand-Held Particle Concentration Meter/Particle Counter 手持式粒子计数器
订 货 号:ZY300705 品    牌:terra universal 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Hand-Held Particle Concentration Meter/Particle Counter
Simple on/off operation
Rugged design for field use
One switch, one display, quick results
This hand-held unit is available as a Particle Concentration Meter or as a Particle Counter. For either purpose it can be used to count particles larger than .5 microns or larger or .3 microns at a flow rate of 0.1 cfm. All you do is turn it on, check the display and turn it off. Walk around the room, scan a filter and watch the particle concentration change. Measuring filter effectiveness, checking cleanroom status and trouble-shooting contamination has never been this easy and fast.
Particle Concentration Meter Operation
When the Particle Concentration Meter is turned on, it samples air for six seconds before displaying the number of particles per cubic foot (or per liter). Every six seconds the display is updated. Sampling air for six seconds at a flow rate of 0.1 cfm (2.83 lpm) results in a sample size of 1/100th of a cubic foot of air (.283 l). The particles in this sample are counted and multiplied by 100 to yield the number of particles per cubic foot. This method has the advantages of fast count results and direct readout of particle concentration.
Particle Counter Operation
When the Particle Counter is turned on, it immediately starts counting and the display is updated continuously as particles are detected. After counting for one minute, the Particle Counter holds the count on the display until power is turned off. This one-minute sample displays the number of particles in 0.1 cubic feet of air (2.83 l). Counting will begin again when the power is turned back on.
A Wide Variety of Applications
These counters have proven themselves in many settings. Medical industries can monitor their air filter systems for pathogen-sized particles. Filter manufacturers can test filter effectiveness. Cleanroom industries can perform quick status checks of cleanrooms. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning personnel can determine indoor air quality.
The counters are shipped with a power module for recharging the batteries and an accessory kit containing an isokinetic probe, a 115V power supply, and a .2 micron purge filter assembly. Both types of counters detect discrete particles using a laser-based sensor. Order the unit you need to count particles greater than .3 microns or .5 microns from the ordering table below.
Note: Both models below include an isoprobe, power supply, purge filter and calibration certificate. Counters should be recalibrated about once a year; see ordering information.
Prices on particle counters are good for domestic (US) orders only.

Hand-Held Particle Concentration Meter/Particle Counter 手持式粒子计数器


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terra universalHand-Held Particle Concentration Meter/Particle Counter 手持式粒子计数器


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