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PAMAS S50&S50P在线粒子计数器

PAMAS S50&S50P在线粒子计数器
订 货 号:ZY300776 品    牌:帕玛斯 产    地:德国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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The PAMAS S50 and *S50P are cost effective, high performance laser based online particle counting systems with simple integration into industrial data management systems. With comprehensive build options, a system specific to your application is ensured, lowering cost and minimal capital expenditure – without compromise. Particles are counted with high resolution and analysed into 8 particle size channels. The systems contain a display which shows the 3 contamination classes according to ISO 4406:1999, based on 4 μm(c), 6 μm(c) and 4 μm(c). The particle number distribution of all 8 size channels is reported in real time to PC, to trend contamination events over time. Combining these contamination event trends with different early alarm features (including external condition monitoring sensors such as water content, oil temperature, viscosity, vibration, pressure etc.) the PAMAS S50 and S50P greatly reduce the risk for failures and ensure production, saving time and money.
*S50P = S50 with an additionally built-in pump for pressureless oil systems.
Measures from ISO class 0-22
Flow rate 5-50ml/min (S50) and 25 ml/min (S50P)
Pressure range 0.2-20 bar or 5-200 bar (S50) and 0-7 bar (S50P)
Online Monitoring of Hydraulic Oils
Condition Monitoring
Instrument Features
Instrument Benefits
8 online channels allowing detection of large particle sizes
Larger sized particle contamination is a common indicator of the onset of failures in hydraulic and lubricating oil systems. By monitoring these sizes, the system manager is able to replace parts before costly repair work becomes necessary
Sensitive detection due to high quality laser and volumetric sensor technology
Immediately detects even small increases in particle numbers, allowing a shorter reaction time to undertake corrective repairs, unlike other less sensitive particle counters which detect increases only after substantial changes in counts have occurred
4 analogue inputs onboard (4-20mA signals) allow connection to external sensors (e.g. water content, oil temperature, viscosity, vibration, pressure etc.)
Condition monitoring data can be sent together with particle counting data in real time to PC for ease of use
The whole measurement cell is illuminated
Allows for very accurate results even with very clean liquids
If the application supplies pressure, the unit can be operated without an internal pump. The S50 can determine the flow rate through the sensor continuously
Precise results can be achieved independant of input pressure
The instrument can be fitted with Kalrez seals - please contact us to discuss this option
The S50 is fully compatible to measure mineral and synthetic oils and specialist corrosive liquids (such as Skydrol) in different industrial environments
Rugged construction
Resistant against mechanical, environmental and electrical threats
Both S50 and S50P can be can be ordered with a variety of options. For a list of options please contact us.
The system can be configured for any application.
Optional Software Features
Optional Software Benefits
Automatic measurement data collection
Particle numbers and cleanliness classes of all measurements can be scrolled through and desired results can be displayed as a table, graph or exported to other softwares
Real time measurement results on display
Graphical monitoring of both ISO 4406:1999 and SAE AS4059 in real time gives instantaneous visual feedback
All particle sizes are reported
Particle numbers in all 8 sizes are monitored in the online graph providing clear indication of changes, including small fluctuations in large particle sizes.




帕玛斯PAMAS S50&S50P在线粒子计数器


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