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Monitoring Elpro粒子测量系统

Monitoring Elpro粒子测量系统
订 货 号:ZY300781 品    牌:Klotz 产    地:德国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Monitoring Elpro Networking and monitoring -
 A Good Connection

Cleanroom technology cannot do without metrological monitoring facilities. Numerous contamination-sensitive technologies in the pharmaceutical industry, in the medical sector, in the electrical industry, in research and development, and increasingly in the supplier industry are confronted with the high demands on the cleanliness of manufacturing environments. On the other hand, safety aspects in pharmaceutics and medicine have a great importance, for instance in the manufacturing and handling of cytostatics.

For all these application areas the measuring with air particle counters is an essential part of any quality assurance system for testing the intactness of filters. The key guidelines for the testing of clean areas include: VDI 2083, US Federal Standard 209E, DIN EN ISO14644, DIN 1946, DIN 12950 / 12980, and the FDA and GMP guidelines.

The connection between the particle counting system PCSS air and the data logger Ecolog Net provides a sophisticated monitoring system, which can be supplemented by temperature and humidity sensors.
Two-channel particle counter

The PCSS is designed as two-channel particle counter and monitors two size classes. Data is logged and stored via Ecolog-Net and elproLOG.
Since the PCSS can carry out time-controlled measurements only, it is necessary that a controlled flow through the sensor is ensured. PCSS air has a built-in pump with 28.3 l/min. Separate parameters can be set for flush, measuring and interval time for each measuring cycle.

During the interval phase the laser of the sensor is switched off to increase its life cycle. Each analog output of the two channels can be assigned a target value or maximum value (particle number). For instance, 20 mA = 2000 particles. The measured number of particles per channel is proportional to electrical current (4-20 mA).

For permanent monitoring of the sensor its laser current and the function of the electronics are evaluated by the onboard diagnosis, and in the case of failure the current signals of both channels are set to “zero” --> mA.

Areas of application:
Online monitoring of isolators and laminar flows in the manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients, monitoring of cleanrooms, clean workbenches, quality assurance of filter installations

Technical Specifications:
Method: scattering light 90°
Particle size channel: sizes freely selectable, 0.5-5 µm, max. 2 channels
Flow volume: 28.3 l/min, controlled
Data contents: measuring status, error message, particle number
Measured value output: electrical current 4-20 mA, threshold value exceedance optional
Measured value memory: none
Power: 230 V/AC power supply / 24 V/DC
Dimensions (H x W x D), weight/material: 150 x 270 x 220 mm, 5 kg stainless steel




KlotzMonitoring Elpro粒子测量系统


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