A Quickpeek consists of a compact kitand roller assembly housed in a sturdymetal case. It can quickly produce aproof that replicates how ink will appearon a printed copy from the press.
The kit consists of: a smooth flat plate,a steel measuring bar and plunger forobtaining an accurate predeterminedvolume of ink, a steel spatula for fillingthe measuring bar and pipe cleaners forcleaning the holes in the measuring bar.
The roller assembly includes either astandard hand roller, used with heat setinks, or a special roller (with EDPMRubber), used with UV inks. The roller isused to distribute the ink on the plate andmake a proof.
To make a proof with Quickpeek . . .
Quickly accomplished, use the handyguide to determine the amount of inkrequired for the press and paper stock tobe used. Put the required amount in theholes in the measuring bar and then pushink out onto the surface of the roller. Theink is then rolled out onto the plate untilevenly distributed on entire surface ofplate and roller. The inked-up roller isthen rolled out on the desired paperstock. This shows exactly what color yourpress will print with the ink being tested.
Quickpeek Functionality...
Eliminate press downtime
Ensure correct color and trapping
Prevent offset and sticking
Calculate ink mileage
Provide an inexpensive fool-proofmethod of checking ink color andstrength for the ink maker and printer.
Accurately indicate quantity of inkrequired
Eliminate the need for work off inks
Provide quick, inexpensive, accurateproofs of ink on colored stock or whenoverprinting another color.
Provide proofs to test drying time,rub-off resistance and light-fastness
Show ink color change when dry
Produce quick color proofs forcustomer approval