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4171D数字弯曲电阻/刚度计平行夹 66 x 68.5 x 56 cm

4171D数字弯曲电阻/刚度计平行夹  66 x 68.5 x 56 cm
订 货 号:ZY302456 品    牌:Thwing-Albert 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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All genuine GurleyTM bending resistance/stiffnesstesters measure the force required to bend a widevariety of materials under controlled and repeatableconditions. This force may be equated to stiffness,resilience, fl exibility or pliability, depending on thenature of the material and purpose of test.There are 15 possible specimen sizes and an unlimitedrange of thicknesses up to 6 mm.
A complete set of accessory weights (5, 25, 50 and200 grams) as well as a calibration strip, are includedas standard.
A sample of a specifi c size is attached to a clamp.A driving gear aligns the sample 15° to the left or theright and moves it over a balanced pendulum. Theconfi guration of this pendulum is registered by a highresolution encoder.
The requested force for the confi guration of the pendulumdetermines the appropriate bending resistance/stiffness measurement.
The sensitivity of the pendulum can be adjusted withdifferent weights. The results can be read on thedisplay in force (grams or millinewton), which then canbe multiplied by a constant for bending moment(gram-centimeters or millinewton-meters).
Capable of evaluating more different sample sizes,weights and thicknesses than any other simularinstrument
Meets the most rigorous accuracy and sensitivityrequirements
Simple to operate, require virtually no maintenance
Output in Gurley units (milligrams), grams, centimetersand millinewton meters
gen. manufacturing control (testing packaging, cards, containers,wire, tubing, plastic and metal parts,...)
medical manufacturing (testing adhesive bandages, laminated orcoated materials, catheters,...)
textile testing (effect of laundering, fi lling, starching or coating)
research (product development & quality control)
chemical, temperature and other treatments (effect of softening,stiffening, radiation and environmental exposure)
custom applications
Dimensions                         66 x 68.5 x 56 cm (WxLxH)
Net Weight                          10 kg
Samples                            Using the precision tubing clamp assemby or theparallel clamp, the instrument can accomodate:
rods & wires, monofi lament, fi nished products, fl atsheet materials to 6 mm thick
tubing, oval , polygon or asymmetrical cross sections,single or multi-lumen to 15.5 mm OD
Standards                    All flat sheet models meet :TAPPI T-543 and ASTM D6125-97
Accessory weights            5, 25, 50 and 200 grams
Clamp                        Accomodates materials up to 50 mm wide and 6 mm
Output                       On digital models, the point of release is automaticallymeasured by an optical encoder and displayed on adigital readout. This readout continuously displaysreadings from tests performed in both the left and rightdirections. In addition, the on-board microprocessorautomatically computes and displays the average ofleft and right stiffness data after each measurement isperformed.
For flat sheet materials, the operator can then pressa button to automatically convert the point-of-releasereading on the display to force (milligrams) which thencan be multiplied by a constant for bending moment(gram-centimeters or millinewton-meters).For tubing, we recommend using the scale readingonly for samples of similar dimensions and mater
Power Supply                   Electrical 220 V, 50/60 Hz




Thwing-Albert4171D数字弯曲电阻/刚度计平行夹 66 x 68.5 x 56 cm


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