The NMS017NG is a portable battery-powered neutron survey instrument ideally suited for field surveys and is up to 3 x more sensitive than other Leake design neutron monitors in use today.
The NMS017NG can be used for dose rate and dose measurements and for neutron counting in 8 modes of operation. Switching between any mode is as easy as pressing a button. Furthermore standard working levels are clearly marked on the analogue display, making it easier for the user to instantly assess their whereabouts in the local working environment.
The moderator consists of a 208mm diameter polyethylene sphere. Neutrons are thermalised by the moderator and detected by the spherical He-3 SP9 proportional counter.
Data is displayed on a digital LCD with back light and an analogue display. All user operations are carried out with two push button mode switches and a rotary on/off switch.
2.5µSv/h -1 / 7.5 µSv/h-1 clearly marked on analouge display
User operations selected with two push button switches
Battery Indication (Analogue)
Dose Meter Dose rate in µSv/h H*(10) ICRP(74)
Accumulated Dose Dose in µSv H*(10) ICRP(74)
Rate Meter Counts per second
100 Second Timer Counts accumulated in 100s
300 Second Timer Counts accumulated in 300s
600 Second Timer Counts accumulated in 600s
Variable Timer Counts accumulated up to a maximum of 999999s
Variable Count Time taken to reach a set number counts