Documented Quality Assured Performance:
Advanced SEM Sensors
QA/PCM - Quality Assured Precision Control Modules
QA/PCM - Quality Assured Interference Protection
QA/CCP - Quality Assured Calibration Certification Protocol
The Enerac 3000 SEM provides facility operators a low cost, easy-to-implement capability to develop timely and representative data for CAAA requirements:
Operating Permits
CEMS Back-up
Enhanced Monitoring
Emission Rates
Unique Features
Enhanced Integrated Sample Conditioning System
This is a unique battery operated permeation dryer conditioning system. It has been shown to remove excess water vapor without any loss to the nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide components of the stack gases.
Electrochemical SEM(tm) Sensors
These are the most advanced electrochemical sensors specifically designed for emisisons measurements. SEM sensors are available for the measuremenst of nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide components of the stack gases.