on/off control of ventilation fans
indoor automobile parking, service garages, arenas, fire stations, loading docks, warehouse, boiler room
Key Features- TR1000
low cost, Solid State Sensor
non linear output only suitable for on/off control
rugged enclosure
some cross sensitivity to other gases
up to 10 year life
CSA certified
Key Features- TR2000
high accuracy electrochemicalsSensor In rugged enclosure
NO2 specific (negligible interference from humidity and other gases).
loop powered, linear output
18 month operating life
plug-in replaceable sensor element available.
CSA Certified
Temp Range: :-4 to 122ºF (-20 to 50ºC)
Integrated high and low concentration relays(5A)
Power options: 24 VAC, 115 VAC, 220VAC
User adjustable delay for on-time (up to 30 minutes).
Measures: 0- 400 ppm
Calibration: 1 year recommended