Minimum Indicated Concentration .............. 4 %LEL
Repeatability .............................................. ± 2% of reading
Accuracy * ................................................. ± 2% of full scale
Zero Drift ................................................... < 5% change per year (typical)
Span Drift .................................................. < 10% change per year (typical)
Response Time (Rise) ................................. T50: < 30 seconds, (typical)
T90: < 120 seconds, successive exposures
Recovery Time (Fall) ................................... T10: < 120 seconds
Temperature Range ................................... -20° to 50°C (-4° to 122°F)
Humidity Range (continuous) ...................... 5–95 %RH, non-condensing
Humidity Range (intermittent
†) ................... 0–99 %RH, non-condensing
Pressure Range .......................................... Ambient atmospheric, ± 1 psi
Recommended Calibration Flow Rate ......... 1.0 LPM
SensAlert Hydrogen Sensor 100%LEL -- 101236-D-1 硫化氢传感器
3.我们提供SensAlert Hydrogen Sensor 100%LEL -- 101236-D-1 硫化氢传感器计量送检,在签收前请详细核查资料信息.
4.TY10SensAlert Hydrogen Sensor 100%LEL -- 101236-D-1 硫化氢传感器价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
5.我们为阁下提供保修TY10SensAlert Hydrogen Sensor 100%LEL -- 101236-D-1 硫化氢传感器售后维修服务,提供后期技术支持.
6.阁下对TY10SensAlert Hydrogen Sensor 100%LEL -- 101236-D-1 硫化氢传感器使用方法等有需求时,将为阁下找到SensAlert Hydrogen Sensor 100%LEL -- 101236-D-1 硫化氢传感器说明书.