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TY10PT900-6XP 有毒/可燃气体控制器ZX21


PT900-6XP 有毒/可燃气体控制器

PT900-6XP 有毒/可燃气体控制器
订 货 号:ZY316887 品    牌:PemTech 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Microprocessor based Addressable modules
Discrete 4-20mA output
Three (3) Programmable alarm relays
RS-485 MODBUS RTU Serial Communication
PLC and SCADA Compatibility
Alarm Status LED Indicators
External Explosion proof Alarm Reset switch
Model PT900-6XP is a microprocessor based modular controller suitable for use in Hazardous locations. Maximum of six (6) PT900 Series toxic or combustible gas control module can be interfaced with Pem-Tech’s gas sensors. The control modules provide digital display, discrete 4-20mA analog output and programmable alarm relay contacts.
The low power RISC based microprocessor allows all the alarm levels and control module address programmed via switches on the front panel. The bright LED display indicates the gas concentration. Also features amber and red LED indicators for alarm status. One of the safety features is a flashing digital display when the control module is in alarm bypass mode. The flashing display is an indication to the personnel in the control room about the alarm bypass status.
Each control module has RS-485 MODBUS RTU serial communication compatible with PLC’s, SCADA, and DCS systems. The module provides complete status like current gas concentration, sensor calibration and current alarm status. The alarm levels can also be accessed and programmed via MODBUS.
Electrical Classification
Explosion Proof, suitable for use in Hazardous Locations
Front Panel Indicators
2 Bright LED digital display
4 each Alarm LED Indicators
Flashing digital display if module in alarm bypass mode.
Test & Safety Features
Displays programmed alarm levels and alarm with flashing alarm LED indicators at unit power up to check the integrity of display and LED indicators
Operating Temperature
-40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
Operating Humidity
5% to 100% RH, non-condensing
Mechanical Specifications
Height: 22 inches (158 mm)
Width: 17 inches (432 mm)
Depth: 11 inches (279 mm)
Weight 110 Lbs. (50 Kg)
Enclosure: CSA & UL
Control Modules: ABS Type approved
ABS Rules: 1-1-4/3.7, 4-8-3/tbl 2 4-8-3/1.7
Input Power
14-28 VDC. 24 VDC nominal
Power Consumption
Per channel 160mA @ 24 VDC including gas sensor and control module
Alarm Relays
Low, High & High-High alarm relays.
Fully programmable zero to full scale range. Latching or non-latching
Relay Ratings
SPDT Form “C” type Relay contacts
5 Amps @ 250 VAC or 30 VDC
Auxiliary Alarm Relay Assembly (Optional)
Four (4) each alarm relay contacts
Each relay rated 10Amps @ 125 VAC /
28 VDC
Analog Output
Discrete 4-20mA (300 Ohms max. load) 2.0 mA - When sensor in Calibration mode
< 1.0 mA - Sensor malfunction
Peripheral & Interface
RS-485 MODBUS RTU Compatible with PLC’s, SCADA and DCS systems.
Annunciator model PT750 for remote
Microprocessor based Addressable modules
Discrete 4-20mA output
Three (3) Programmable alarm relays
RS-485 MODBUS RTU Serial Communication
PLC and SCADA Compatibility
Alarm Status LED Indicators
External Explosion proof Alarm Reset switch
Model PT900-6XP is a microprocessor based modular controller suitable for use in Hazardous locations. Maximum of six (6) PT900 Series toxic or combustible gas control module can be interfaced with Pem-Tech’s gas sensors. The control modules provide digital display, discrete 4-20mA analog output and programmable alarm relay contacts.
The low power RISC based microprocessor allows all the alarm levels and control module address programmed via switches on the front panel. The bright LED display indicates the gas concentration. Also features amber and red LED indicators for alarm status. One of the safety features is a flashing digital display when the control module is in alarm bypass mode. The flashing display is an indication to the personnel in the control room about the alarm bypass status.
Each control module has RS-485 MODBUS RTU serial communication compatible with PLC’s, SCADA, and DCS systems. The module provides complete status like current gas concentration, sensor calibration and current alarm status. The alarm levels can also be accessed and programmed via MODBUS.
Electrical Classification
Explosion Proof, suitable for use in Hazardous Locations
Front Panel Indicators
2 Bright LED digital display
4 each Alarm LED Indicators
Flashing digital display if module in alarm bypass mode.
Test & Safety Features
Displays programmed alarm levels and alarm with flashing alarm LED indicators at unit power up to check the integrity of display and LED indicators
Operating Temperature
-40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
Operating Humidity
5% to 100% RH, non-condensing
Mechanical Specifications
Height: 22 inches (158 mm)
Width: 17 inches (432 mm)
Depth: 11 inches (279 mm)
Weight 110 Lbs. (50 Kg)
Enclosure: CSA & UL
Control Modules: ABS Type approved
ABS Rules: 1-1-4/3.7, 4-8-3/tbl 2 4-8-3/1.7
Input Power
14-28 VDC. 24 VDC nominal
Power Consumption
Per channel 160mA @ 24 VDC including gas sensor and control module
Alarm Relays
Low, High & High-High alarm relays.
Fully programmable zero to full scale range. Latching or non-latching
Relay Ratings
SPDT Form “C” type Relay contacts
5 Amps @ 250 VAC or 30 VDC
Auxiliary Alarm Relay Assembly (Optional)
Four (4) each alarm relay contacts
Each relay rated 10Amps @ 125 VAC /
28 VDC
Analog Output
Discrete 4-20mA (300 Ohms max. load) 2.0 mA - When sensor in Calibration mode
< 1.0 mA - Sensor malfunction
Peripheral & Interface
RS-485 MODBUS RTU Compatible with PLC’s, SCADA and DCS systems.
Annunciator model PT750 for remote

PT900-6XP 有毒/可燃气体控制器


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4.TY10PT900-6XP 有毒/可燃气体控制器价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
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PemTechPT900-6XP 有毒/可燃气体控制器


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