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TY10Model 3350控制室氧气监测器ZX21


Model 3350控制室氧气监测器

Model 3350控制室氧气监测器
订 货 号:ZY317141 品    牌:Teledyne 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Teledyne’s Model 3350 Control Room Oxygen Monitor accurately measures the concentration of oxygen in control rooms, closed atmospheres, critical breathing circuits, and other applications that require the fail-safe monitoring of breathable, ambient air.

Simple to use and maintain, this unit shoulders the burden of personnel safety with the quality and reliability offered by the Teledyne name.

The 3350 is a microprocessor-based oxygen alarm monitor for real-time measurement of the oxygen content of the atmosphere surrounding its sensor. The standard instrument is configured to run from an AC power source and is also available with an optional, continuously charging, DC battery backup. The rated battery life is approximately 17 hours configured in failsafe mode and 48 hours in non-failsafe mode.

Dual Oxygen Alarms
The alarm setpoints provide an operational band that covers all acceptable oxygen concentrations. If the oxygen level at the sensor crosses the adjusted setpoint of one of the alarms, that alarm will cause the switching of relay contacts.

Designed in consideration of OSHA specifications, the standard factory setting of the two alarms provides a CAUTION alarm at 20% oxygen and a DANGER alarm at 19.5% oxygen. To cover special situations, a limited amount of adjustment is possible. Both alarm setpoints are factory set (internal) to prevent tampering or resetting by unauthorized personnel.

When an insufficient oxygen concentration triggers either alarm, a red panel light and an audible annunciator are energized. The alarms remain energized until the oxygen concentration has been elevated above the trigger point.

Model 3350控制室氧气监测器


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4.TY10Model 3350控制室氧气监测器价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
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TeledyneModel 3350控制室氧气监测器


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