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TY10Model Mini-BA多气体检测器ZX21


Model Mini-BA多气体检测器

Model Mini-BA多气体检测器
订 货 号:ZY317951 品    牌:PureAire Monitoring Systems 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Sample draw Portable Multi-gas Monitor
Built-in pyrolizer for detecting NF3, Freon and VOC’s
Rechargeable Battery operated or 115 VAC
Interchangeable gas sensors
Dual user selectable alarms
Digital gas concentration display
Local Audio and Visual Alarms
The Mini-BA NF3 monitor is a Multi-gas portable gas detector designed to provide continuous, low level leak detection for Nitrogen Trifluoride as well as a wide range VOCs, and CFCs. The heart of the system is a sophisticated pyrolizer combined with an electrochemical cell, which thermally decomposes the target gas into another that is more easily detected electrochemically.
Sample is drawn through the system, detected and concentration information is displayed on an easy to read digital back lit LCD display. Also included are built in user selectable dual level alarm relays and 4-20mA output for datalogging. Its capable of monitoring many different gases by simply replacing the smart sensor cell.
The Mini-BA NF3 monitoring system includes everything required for continuous monitoring, including built-in pyrolizer, sensor cell and sample pump. The power retirement is a rechargeable battery or 115 VAC line power.
The Mini-BA NF3 series monitoring system uses our exclusive Renewable sensor cell. It continuously checks electrolyte level and alerts when the cell needs maintenance. PureAire sensor cells are easily recharged with electrolyte right in the field and can save between 50% to 70% of your after sales maintenance cost when compared to disposable type sensor cells and paper tape systems.
The Mini-BA NF3 monitor is designed for use in cylinder receiving areas, temporary monitoring in labs and pilot plants and emergency leak detection. The capability to add additional gas sensors will satisfy your monitoring needs now and in the future.

Model Mini-BA多气体检测器


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PureAire Monitoring SystemsModel Mini-BA多气体检测器


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