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TY10Air Check多通道气体控制器ZX21


Air Check多通道气体控制器

Air Check多通道气体控制器
订 货 号:ZY317953 品    牌:PureAire Monitoring Systems 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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16 Channel Multi gas Controller
Controls any 2 wire or 3 wire gas sensors
User selectable dual level concentration alarms
Digital and bargraph gas concentration display
Graphical display of detector system faults
Optional Modbus output
PureAire’s Air check Multichannel Controller is designed to provide simultaneous display and alarm functions for up to 16 gas monitors. A graphic LCD displays monitors data as trends, bar graphs and ppm, ppb or percent gas concentration. Three adjustable alarm levels are provided per channel. Relay outputs allow control of strobe beacons horns and other shutoff devices.

The Air Check Controller is user friendly and easy to configure. Measurement ranges in engineering units, adjustable alarm set-points, dual serial interfaces and many other features combine to allow the ST-71 satisfy the needs of many demanding applications. It is widely used for centralizing the display and alarm processing functions in critical multipoint monitoring applications. These include monitoring of ambient gas detection, rotating machinery, tank levels, flow, temperature and others.

A RS-485 Modbus slave port allows up to 128 Air Check controllers to be multidropped onto a single data highway for interrogation by another Modbus master. PureAire’s multi channel controller may also be cascaded by connecting one unit’s master port to another’s slave port.
Performance Specifications
Input Signals: 4-20 mA, 8 to 16 individual PureAire gas monitors
Relay Outputs:  Two alarm SPDT relays and one system fault SPDT relay per channel       
Relay Capacity: 5 Amp for 28 VDC and 250 VAC resistive load
Serial Communication: Optional Dual Modbus RS-485 serial ports for simultaneous master / slave operation.     
Display: Graphic LCD readout displays monitored data as trends, bar graphs and gas concentration. Alarm LED’s flash when new and become steady after acknowledged
Operating Temp: -25° to 50°C, (-13° to 122°F)
Humidity: 0 TO 90% RH Non-Condensing.
Electrical Requirements
Power: 110-120 VAC @3.2A max (220-240VAC @ 1.6A max)
Physical Characteristics
Installation Style: NEMA 4X, Explosion-Proof, surface mount, panel and rack mount packaging options available NEMA 4X wall mount in fiberglass enclosure, weight 17 lb 14.25” L x 13” W x 8.5” D  NEMA 7 wall mount suitable for DIV 1&2 Groups B,C,D weight 110 lbs.

Air Check多通道气体控制器


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PureAire Monitoring SystemsAir Check多通道气体控制器


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