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TY10Ultra 1000-IR二氧化碳传感器ZX21


Ultra 1000-IR二氧化碳传感器

Ultra 1000-IR二氧化碳传感器
订 货 号:ZY318742 品    牌:PemTech 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Low Maintenance.
4-20mA Analog Output
Optional RS485 MODBUS RTU Serial Communication
12-28 VDC Operation
Automated Non-Intrusive Calibration
Optional Adjustable Alarm Relay Contacts
Liquid Crystal display with back light
Ultra 1000-IR series is a microprocessor based sensor for detection of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gas using Infrared sensor technology. The self- contained sensor features user friendly interface and menu driven calibration procedure and configuration.
Ultra 1000-IR uses NDIR (Non Dispersive Infrared) technique to monitor the CO2 vapors. The detection principle is based on measuring the absorption of infrared radiation using dual wavelength infrared detectors. The IR detectors measure the intensity of two wavelengths, one absorbed by the target gases and other unaffected by the target gases. The gas concentration is determined by comparing the detector signals.
The complete sensor consists of a stainless steel sensor head assembly, a user connection board and a transmitter board assembly. All of the sensor electronics are enclosed in an explosion proof instrument box. Ultra 1000-IR provides a 4-20mA signal proportional to 0-100% LEL gas at the sensor. In addition the sensor may be addressed via MODBUS RTU interface. The MODBUS output provides sensor status, alarm & fault conditions.
Sensor Type
NDIR (Non Dispersive Infrared) absoprtion
Measuring Range
0-5% , 0-10% & 0-50%
± 2 % Full scale
Zero Drift
< 2% per year
Response Time
T50 < 8 seconds T90 < 15 seconds with 100% LEL gas applied
Class I, division 1, Groups B,C & D
Operating Temperature
-40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
Operating Humidity
5% to 90% RH, non-condensing
2 lines by 8 Character LC Display with back light
Mechanical Specifications
Length: 7 inches (178 mm)
Width: 5 inches (127 mm)
Height: 4.5 inches (114 mm)
Status Indicators
LC Display for gas concentration, Alarm relay status, calibration mode and sensor fault status.
Input Power
14-28 VDC. 24 VDC nominal
Power Consumption
90mA @ 24 VDC Typical
Alarm Relays
Fully programmable. 0 to Full scale range of the sensor. Latching or Non-Latching.
Relay Ratings
SPDT Form “C” type Relay contacts
5 Amps @ 250 VAC or 30 VDC
Analog Output
Linear 4-20mA (300 Ohms max. load)
2.0 mA - Calibration mode
< 1.0 mA - Sensor malfunction
RS-485 MODBUS RTU at 9600 Baud.
Non-Intrusive activated by internal magnetic switch
Low Maintenance.
4-20mA Analog Output
Optional RS485 MODBUS RTU Serial Communication
12-28 VDC Operation
Automated Non-Intrusive Calibration
Optional Adjustable Alarm Relay Contacts
Liquid Crystal display with back light
Ultra 1000-IR series is a microprocessor based sensor for detection of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gas using Infrared sensor technology. The self- contained sensor features user friendly interface and menu driven calibration procedure and configuration.
Ultra 1000-IR uses NDIR (Non Dispersive Infrared) technique to monitor the CO2 vapors. The detection principle is based on measuring the absorption of infrared radiation using dual wavelength infrared detectors. The IR detectors measure the intensity of two wavelengths, one absorbed by the target gases and other unaffected by the target gases. The gas concentration is determined by comparing the detector signals.
The complete sensor consists of a stainless steel sensor head assembly, a user connection board and a transmitter board assembly. All of the sensor electronics are enclosed in an explosion proof instrument box. Ultra 1000-IR provides a 4-20mA signal proportional to 0-100% LEL gas at the sensor. In addition the sensor may be addressed via MODBUS RTU interface. The MODBUS output provides sensor status, alarm & fault conditions.
Sensor Type
NDIR (Non Dispersive Infrared) absoprtion
Measuring Range
0-5% , 0-10% & 0-50%
± 2 % Full scale
Zero Drift
< 2% per year
Response Time
T50 < 8 seconds T90 < 15 seconds with 100% LEL gas applied
Class I, division 1, Groups B,C & D
Operating Temperature
-40°F to +158°F (-40°C to +70°C)
Operating Humidity
5% to 90% RH, non-condensing
2 lines by 8 Character LC Display with back light
Mechanical Specifications
Length: 7 inches (178 mm)
Width: 5 inches (127 mm)
Height: 4.5 inches (114 mm)
Status Indicators
LC Display for gas concentration, Alarm relay status, calibration mode and sensor fault status.
Input Power
14-28 VDC. 24 VDC nominal
Power Consumption
90mA @ 24 VDC Typical
Alarm Relays
Fully programmable. 0 to Full scale range of the sensor. Latching or Non-Latching.
Relay Ratings
SPDT Form “C” type Relay contacts
5 Amps @ 250 VAC or 30 VDC
Analog Output
Linear 4-20mA (300 Ohms max. load)
2.0 mA - Calibration mode
< 1.0 mA - Sensor malfunction
RS-485 MODBUS RTU at 9600 Baud.
Non-Intrusive activated by internal magnetic switch

Ultra 1000-IR二氧化碳传感器


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4.TY10Ultra 1000-IR二氧化碳传感器价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
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6.阁下对TY10Ultra 1000-IR二氧化碳传感器使用方法等有需求时,将为阁下找到Ultra 1000-IR二氧化碳传感器说明书.

PemTechUltra 1000-IR二氧化碳传感器


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