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TY10Model 35粘度计ZX21


Model 35粘度计

Model 35粘度计
订 货 号:ZY325204 品    牌:范恩 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Widely known as the Standard of the Industry for drilling fluid viscosity measurements.
Fann produces a range of true Couette coaxial cylinder rotational viscometers. The test fluid is contained in the annular space or shear gap between the cylinders. Rotation of the outer cylinder at known velocities is accomplished through precision gearing. The viscous drag exerted by the fluid creates a torque on the inner cylinder or bob. This torque is transmitted to a precision spring where its deflection is measured and then related to the test conditions and instrument constants. This system permits the true simulation of most significant flow process conditions encountered in industrial processing.
Direct Indicating Viscometers combine accuracy with simplicity of design, and are recommended for evaluating materials that are Bingham plastics. These instruments are equipped with factory installed R1 Rotor Sleeve, B1 Bob, F1 Torsion Spring, and a stainless steel sample cup for testing according to American Petroleum Institute Specification RP 13B. Other rotor-bob combinations and/or torsion springs can be substituted to extend the torque measuring range or to increase the sensitivity of the torque measurement. Shear stress is read directly from a calibrated scale. Plastic viscosity and yield point of a fluid can be determined easily by making two simple subtractions from the observed data when the instrument is used with the R1-B1 combination and the standard F1 torsion spring.

Model 35粘度计


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范恩Model 35粘度计


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