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SW30H 30升加热计时超声波清洗机(带排水口) 30 – 80°C in 5°C increments

SW30H 30升加热计时超声波清洗机(带排水口)  30 – 80°C in 5°C increments
订 货 号:ZY326108 品    牌:Nickel 产    地:英国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Product Name :



Product Description :

30 Litre Heated, Timed, Ultrasonic baths, with drain outlet NEW 2009  

Nominal Tank Capacity :

20 litres

Size selector :

«Smaller  Larger»30

Product Specification :

A new range of industrial strength ultrasonic baths, sturdy construction, suitable for continuous operation.

Stainless steel casework.

High performance industrial strength ultrasonics with sweep function for perfect and even distribution of ultrasonic activity.

Auto-Degassing function useful for liquid changes in the tank, decarbonating and degassing HPLC solutions.

Ultrasonic Boost function for 25% more sonic power.

Quick and easy to use drain facility.

Heaters can safely run dry.

Temperature controlled ultrasonics – activity will start once set temperature is achieved.

Timer settings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 mins and permanent on position which has an auto switch off after 12 hours, if no keys have been activated, to prevent unintended permanent operation.


Indication of time remaining.

Splash proof controls with drip bar above guides spills and drips away from temperature and timer dials.

Lifting handles.


Brimful Capacity :

28 litres

Tank, immersed components :

Stainless steel

Internal Dimensions :

505w x 300d x 200h mm

External Dimensions :

568w x 340d x 321h mm

Temperature Range :

30 – 80°C in 5°C increments.

Temperature setting/control :

Dial setting for temperature range

Temperature display resolution :


Warranty Period :

3 Years

Safety features :

Safe to run dry - The heating elements mounted to the ultrasonic units are special ceramic heating elements which are electronically triggered by changes of the liquid level. The heating elements are mounted inside the unit and controlled electronically to reduce energy demand, preventing overheating.

Heater Power (W) @ 220-240V :


Power consumption (W) @ 220-240V:


Voltage :


Drain tap fitted :

Drain is easy to reach on the rear of the bath, with a drain tap on the side making it easy to open and close with clear symbols on position and function.

Packed Weight :


Notes :

Ultrasonics advisory information.

This range is designed for intermittent and permanent on use. In use do not allow items to touch base of the tank, BSK series Baskets or LD series Lids are recommended in order to prevent items from touching bottom or side of the tank - accessories detailed below.

Ultrasonics specification.

?  Sonics effective power = 300W

?  Sonics peak power = 1200W

?  Modulation = 100Hz

?  Operating frequency = 38kHz

?  Transducers = 6

?  Ultrasonic intensity = 2.6W/cm2

Laboratory Apps

?  For the cleaning of glassware and complicated instruments.

?  Removal of chemical residues, coking and soot, baked residues of chemical reactions, microbiological residues. With these ultrasonic baths your instruments will be clean without any residues.

?  The Degas function quickly degasses the liquid without accumulation of bubbles. Samples and HPLC solvents must be free of gas bubbles for analysis.

?  For increased ultrasonic power, the "Boost" function allows an increase of 20% in ultrasonic performance. Permanent operation possible for tenacious contamination.

Features and Benefits :

1. High power piezoelectric transducers ensure maximum ultrasonic power throughout working area.

2. A drain is fitted for ease of emptying the bath.

3. Illuminated on/off mains switch.

4. Full use can be made of the bath to provide maximum working area.

5. Totally unobstructed, stainless steel tank.

6. Concealed heater and temperature sensors.

7. Bench top footprint.

8. Fitted with non-slip rubber feet for safety.

9. A 316 spec stainless steel tank gives good resistance to many substances and a clean appearance throughout its working life.

10. Sturdy stainless steel construction.

11. Built to latest safety standards and supplied with comprehensive operating instructions and Three-year warranty.

12. A range of accessories available.

13. Easy to clean tank.

14. Each bath is uniquely identified with its own serial number recorded on our product database. Electrically tested for safety at final inspection and a test certificate enclosed in rear of the instruction book.






NickelSW30H 30升加热计时超声波清洗机(带排水口) 30 – 80°C in 5°C increments


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