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订 货 号:ZY338790 品    牌:TRICOR 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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The Model 913H LED and Keyboard Test System is a low-cost, NIST traceable, highly responsive, generic switch test platform. The 913 is used to perform 100% acceptance testing, quality assurance certification, incoming inspection, and engineering development of keyboards, keypads, membranes, snap-action switches, micro switches, general-purpose switches, cables, LEDs, and seven-segment displays. The system can be use to perform a complete keyboard test, keypad test or individual switch test.
The 913H consists of a circuit card assembly (CCA) and software installed by the user in a standard personal computer. It does not require a RS-232 channel which may be needed for a barcode scanner or production line device. It features 30 channels (expandable to 90), which can be configured as an x-y matrix. Resistance ranges of both 0-5,000 and 0-50,000 ohms are featured with other ranges available upon request.
A user-friendly Windows™ software environment allows the user to create a computer screen graphic representation of the unit under test (UUT), i.e., keyboard, LED, seven-segment display, etc. The software easily "learns" the relationship of the screen graphic to the UUT. The configurations created and test data obtained can be saved for future use and SPC action.
During keyboard testing, for example, the computer graphic displays key resistance and indicates tested and active keys by changing color. An audio tone is sounded if a keys resistance is equal to or below the user-programmed specified resistance. LED voltage levels are measured and illuminated in sequential order on the UUT and display for immediate visual inspection.
The 913H switch tester is a cost-effective, password protected fast-acting tool which is accurate, operator-friendly, and extremely easy to learn and use. Production Serial Numbers can be input manually or automatically via a barcode reader.
TRICOR offers a complete line of switch tester. The Model 911A Automated Keyboard Switch Test System, consists of the 913H CCA(s), additional software, and an x-y positioning platform. This system provides automatic, accurate positioning and testing of a UUT without requiring operator intervention.
Switch Test Channels
30, 60 and 90 channels available
Contact Resistance Ranges - Programmable
0-5,000 ohm Accuracy: ± 1.25% or 3 ohms, whichever is greater
0-50,000 ohm Accuracy: 0-19,999 ohm: ± 1.75% or 4 ohms, whichever is greater; 20,000-50,000 ohm: ± 2.5%
Other ranges available upon request (option)
Channel Shorts Test
0-5,000 ohm Accuracy: ± 1.25% or 3 ohms, whichever is greater
0-50,000 ohm Accuracy: 0-19,999 ohm: ± 1.75% or 4 ohms, whichever is greater; 20,000-50,000 ohm: ± 2.5%
Other ranges available upon request (option)
LED Seven-Segment Display Test Voltages - Programmable
0-8 Vdc ± 0.050 Vdc: 1, 5, 10 & 20 mA
Other ranges available upon request (option)
Test Results
Saved to file & Printout available
Power Requirements
PC dependent
Feature Summary List
LED Visual Test
NIST Traceable with Certificate
Bold Colored Pass/Fail Indication
NIST Certification Tools Available
Clean Protected Internal PC Design
Drag and Drop
Serial Numbers via Keyboard or Scanner
12 meg ohm Shorts Test Range
More Production Space Due to Internal Design
Scalable LED and Switch Screen Sizes
Complete Turnkey Windows® Based System
Maximum Number of Test Keys: 225
Lot Numbers and Comment Field
17 Screen Key and LED Colors
Automatic Test Result Storage
LED and 7 Segment Electrical Voltage Drop Test
Frees up RS232 Assets for Production Scanners, Label Printers etc.,
Seven Segment Visual Test
Hot Keys for Editing
Preference Setting Capability
Multiple Password Protection
Allows Setting Minimum Resistance tolerance for keys
Preference Setting Automatically Loaded on Program Start
Automatic Key/LED Matrix Creation
Hundreds of Units in USE TODAY
High Energy Discrete Diode ESD Protection for Long Life
Simplified Windows® Interface for Non-technical Personnel
Split Interface Cable for Direct Split Keyboard Pigtail Connection
Upgrade Option to Automatic Production X-Y Tester
System Components
Circuit Card Assembly & Mating Connector
37-pin subminiature D connector
Model 913H Windows® 98-Me, NT, 2000 Software. Supports up to 90 channels
Operating Instructions
Customer Requirements
Personal Computer 80486 or higher PC running Windows® 98-Me, NT, 2000 at 133 MHz or faster with PCI bus slot available per CCA
UUT Interconnect Cable
Contact Resistance Ranges
Certificate of Calibration
LED/Seven-Segment Display Voltage Ranges
Test Interface Assemblies
Standard & Custom
Conversion Utility Program
Permits transfer of test data to standard database, spreadsheet and SPC programs
Calibration/Verification Fixture






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