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TY10Squirrel SQ2040无线数据记录器ZX21


Squirrel SQ2040无线数据记录器

Squirrel SQ2040无线数据记录器
订 货 号:ZY340253 品    牌:格兰特 产    地:英国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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High performance wireless data loggers for demanding applications
Integral Wi-Fi Ethernet networking
High precision (0.05%)
Advanced data management, to MMC/SD or PC
Flexible communications (USB, Ethernet, RS232)
High speed option (100Hz on 4 channels)
Various Remote connection options e.g. via Ethernet or dial up modem
The Squirrel SQ2040 Wi-Fi series combines a high channel, high performance, universal inputs with the simplicity of Wi-Fi networking in a compact and portable instrument.
Using multiple 24-bit analogue to digital convertors, twin processors and removable memory and Wi-Fi networking the SQ2040 Wi-Fi provides great flexibility to handle a wide range of complex and demanding multi-channel applications. The Squirrel SQ2040 Wi-Fi series is ideal for industrial, scientific research and quality assurance applications. The SQ2040 Wi-FI provides standalone data acquisition, advanced networked solutions and data analysis straight out-of-the-box.
Key features
16 true differential or 32 single ended universal analogue inputs for voltage, current or resistance measurements plus 2 high voltages, 4 pulse and 8 digital event/state inputs
Analogue inputs can be used with thermistors, thermocouples, 2,3 or 4 wire RTD temperature sensors and 4 – 20mA signals
User selectable logging rates of up to 100Hz on up to four channels
Standard (802.11b) wireless (Wi-Fi) Ethernet networking, USB and RS232 communication ports
Large non-volatile internal memory storage for up to 14 million readings
Download of internal data to removable MMC/SD (Multi Media Card / Secure Digital) memory card
Sensor power and FET outputs for use with external devices
Easy to read LCD and simple 4 button user interface
Calculated channels derived from real channels using advanced mathematical functions e.g. log(x); ln(x); sqrt(x)
Analogue inputs supported
Pt100/Pt1000 (maximum of eight 3- or 4-wire Pt100/1000 sensors - model 4F16 only)
The Squirrel 2040 series comprises two models:
Squirrel 2040-2F16
Up to 100 readings per second on 2 channels
Two 24-bit A to D converters
In built Ethernet connectivity
Squirrel 2040-4F16 (high speed model)
Up to 100 readings per second on 4 channels
Four 24-bit A to D converters
4 pulse rate / counter inputs (2 at up to 64kHz, 2 at up to 100Hz)
In built Ethernet connectivity
16 to 32 universal analogue inputs for recording temperature, current, voltage and resistance
Easy to use, removable connector system
Power output for sensor excitation / external devices
2 high voltage channels (20, 40 or 60V) for automotive applications
USB, Wireless Ethernet and RS232 connectivity for quick and easy PC and remote communication and networking
Range of trigger functions via 8 digital inputs; 4 pulse rate / counter inputs
4 alarm outputs for triggering external devices
Power supply – internal alkaline batteries or external DC power supply
To operate the logger simply use the four integral push buttons and display, or use the convenient SquirrelView set-up, download and export software – free with every Squirrel logger
Convenient 2 line x 20 character backlit LCD for easy access to readings and set-up information
Robust, ergonomically designed case with easy access to all user facilities
Store up to 1.8 million readings in the Squirrel’s on board memory
Store up to 6 logger configurations. Load from a removable MMC / SD card for speed and convenience,or download data files to the card
Key capabilities
Create complex schedules of logging rates, triggers and alarm outputs
Scale and view readings in real time on the integral display or on a PC running Excelä
Display readings in preferred engineering units e.g.  Hz, Bar, Pascals, Nm etc.
Select logging rates up to 100 readings per second on up to 4 channels (2 channels on Squirrel model 2040-2F16) or a combination of different logging rates
Derive up to 16 calculated (virtual) channels from real input channels using mathematical functions
Concurrently sample channels at different sample speeds, e.g. 100Hz, 20Hz, and 10 Hz etc        

Squirrel SQ2040无线数据记录器


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格兰特Squirrel SQ2040无线数据记录器


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