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订 货 号:ZY351067 品    牌:英国密析尔MICHELL 产    地:英国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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4-pin resistivity test reel with leads4-pin resistivity test reel with leads
Four (4) heavy duty stainless steel T-handle pins 3/8" x 18" Four (4) heavy duty stainless steel T-handle pins 3/8" x 18"
Miller soil box with four (4) soil pins Miller soil box with four (4) soil pins
Custom carrying case Custom carrying case
MC Miller Soil Resistivity Kit
Dimensions 19" x 17" x 8". Dimensions 19" x 17" x 8".
Weight with MC Miller 400A - 20 lbs Weight with MC Miller 400A - 20 lbs
Weight without MC Miller 400A - 13 lbs Weight without MC Miller 400A - 13 lbs

MC Miller Model 400A MC Miller Model 400A
Soil Resistance Meter Soil Resistance Meter
Supplied separately for kit pictured at right. Supplied separately for kit pictured at right.

MCM Soil Resistivity ReelMCM Soil Resistivity Reel
with four color-coded wires with four color-coded wires

Heavy Duty Soil Pins Heavy Duty Soil Pins
The MCM Soil Resistivity Kit is designed to conveniently store and carry all the equipment required to calculate the resistivity of soil. The equipment provided is all that is necessary to perform the Wenner Four-Pin and Soil Method, as outlined by the ASTM G 57-78 Standard. This kit is designed for use with the new Miller 400A Resistance Meter, however it ships with a foam insert that allows it to store the MC Miller 400A meter, if desired.The MCM Soil Resistivity Kit is designed to conveniently store and carry all the equipment required to calculate the resistivity of soil. The equipment provided is all that is necessary to perform the Wenner Four-Pin and Soil Method, as outlined by the ASTM G 57-78 Standard. This kit is designed for use with the new Miller 400A Resistance Meter, however it ships with a foam insert that allows it to store the MC Miller 400A meter, if desired.
The MC Miller 4-Pin Test Reel (Cat No. 44700) has been designed and engineered to be used in conjunction with any one of the MCMs multi-combination family of meters, the MC Miller 400A soil resistance meter or similar four-terminal soil test instruments.The MC Miller 4-Pin Test Reel (Cat No. 44700) has been designed and engineered to be used in conjunction with any one of the MCMs multi-combination family of meters, the MC Miller 400A soil resistance meter or similar four-terminal soil test instruments.
The test setup utilizes the mechanics of the "Four Electrode Method," which was developed by the National Bureau of Standards and is commonly known as the Wenner 4-pin Method. The resultant resistivity is the average resistivity of the soil (electrolyte) to a depth equal to the spacing between adjacent electrodes (soil pins). The maximum depth (pin spacing) of this standard test set has been designed for 20 feet, which is recommended for standard survey.The test setup utilizes the mechanics of the "Four Electrode Method," which was developed by the National Bureau of Standards and is commonly known as the Wenner 4-pin Method. The resultant resistivity is the average resistivity of the soil (electrolyte) to a depth equal to the spacing between adjacent electrodes (soil pins). The maximum depth (pin spacing) of this standard test set has been designed for 20 feet, which is recommended for standard survey.
The Soil Resistivity Reel is made up of four (4) separate, color-coded lead wires of: 5-foot (yellow), 25-foot (orange), 45-foot (red) and 65-foot (black) lengths. Lead wires are harnessed together and mounted on a lightweight handheld reel. Wire ends at the reel are affixed to female banana plug jacks (mounted in the center hub area) while the opposite ends are terminated with Mueller 27-C clips. Two-foot, color-coded, jumper leads with banana plug ends are supplied with soil resistivity reel to facilitate connection between the REEL and your test meter.The Soil Resistivity Reel is made up of four (4) separate, color-coded lead wires of: 5-foot (yellow), 25-foot (orange), 45-foot (red) and 65-foot (black) lengths. Lead wires are harnessed together and mounted on a lightweight handheld reel. Wire ends at the reel are affixed to female banana plug jacks (mounted in the center hub area) while the opposite ends are terminated with Mueller 27-C clips. Two-foot, color-coded, jumper leads with banana plug ends are supplied with soil resistivity reel to facilitate connection between the REEL and your test meter.
All lead wires and jumpers are made of our own No. 16 AWG, 105 strand copper wire with PVC insulation. In addition to our color coding of the wires, all ends are clearly labeled as to their connection point.All lead wires and jumpers are made of our own No. 16 AWG, 105 strand copper wire with PVC insulation. In addition to our color coding of the wires, all ends are clearly labeled as to their connection point.






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