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订 货 号:ZY351242 品    牌:英国密析尔MICHELL 产    地:英国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Product Description
The Canusa-CPS TBK-PP Field Joint Coating System uses high-performance polypropylene technology to provide superior mechanical and corrosion protection of field joints on 2 and 3-layer PE, PP and FBE coated pipelines in directional drilling applications.
The system consists of a polypropylene-based primary heat-shrinkable sleeve to provide effective corrosion protection to the joint and superior mechanical protection for the forces encountered during the pull-through operation; and a secondary heat-shrinkable sleeve, which functions as a sacrificial wear cone.
Canusa-CPS offers a range of TBK-PP products designed for pipeline operating temperatures up to 130°C (266°F). The system is fully compatible with cathodic protection systems, resists cathodic disbondment, and is designed for a wide range of operating temperatures.
Key Product Advantages
PP Construction provides superior resistance to impact and abrasive forces over reinforced PE sleeves.
The toughest Heat-Shrink Sleeve system available!
Proven Force Cured Epoxy allows ‘pre-inspect’, providing assurance that pipe is fully protected.
No internal reinforcement system required, eliminating the possibility of moisture absorption.
Unique adhesive technology allows for low preheat temperatures and for a superior bond directly to the factory coating, sealing out moisture.
Features & Benefits
Superior Abrasion Resistance: The polypropylene composition, including cross-linked polypropylene backing, provides superior resistance to impact and indentation, stiffness, hardness, and overall mechanical strength and abrasion resistance. These properties are ideally suited to the rigorous forces encountered during directional drilling applications and are vastly superior to all PE based systems. The included sacrificial wear cone provides added protection to the leading edge of the sleeve.
Superior Force Cured Epoxy Method: Canusa-CPS’ proven method of force curing the epoxy primer to the steel allows the installer to pre-inspect the joint prior to sleeve application. The epoxy will not be displaced during the aligning and shrinking stages of sleeve installation. This provides assurance that the pipe is fully protected. Canusa’s epoxy primer can be applied to an even, nominal thickness for maximum corrosion protection.
Unique Adhesion Technology: Canusa-CPS’ unique adhesive technology allows for low installation pre-heats and superior bonding to PP and PE coatings. Canusa-CPS’ adhesives have been formulated to bond directly to the main line coating; epoxy is applied to the steel only. Results are a superior bond to the substrate, easier application, and significant cost savings.






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