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订 货 号:ZY351333 品    牌:英国密析尔MICHELL 产    地:英国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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LineSeal Features
Extreme, high-reliability sealing and electrical isolation solution for critical service applications.
Seals and isolates all pressure ratings through ANSI 2500 class and API 15,000 psi service.
Withstands severe service conditions including vibration, temperature and pressure fluctuations.
Designed to withstand corrosive environments, including high concentrations of CO2, H2S, produced water and aggressive inhibitors.
Good electrical isolation properties for cathodic protection.
Pressure-activated seals provide high confidence sealing, eliminates costly leaks and provides a solution for fugitive emissions.
Gasket is sized to the bore to protect flange faces from media-induced corrosion and flow-induced erosion.
Prevents turbulent flow at flanged connections.
Mitigates galvanic corrosion in dissimilar metal flanges.
High-strength laminate material resists failure due to excess compression.
Available to match any flange specification (ANSI, ASME, API, MSS, BS, DIN, AS, others).
Can mate mismatched RTJ with raised-face flanges.
Easy installation, make up and removal:
- Sealing system is not sensitive to low bolt loads - providing reliable sealing through a range of bolt stress.
- Gasket is self-aligning and centering - quick to install and no special tools are required.
Maintenance-free corrosion-resistant design is resistant to deforming under load.
Works in Ring Joint Flanges, reducing fluid entrapment, flow induced erosion and media induced corrosion between flanges.
LineSeal Applications
H2S service.
High pressure flanges.
Critical service applications.
High pH service.
Locations where one prefers an integral seal element.
Sealing flanges without dissimilar metal contact that occurs with Chevron in spiral-wound type gaskets.
Production Fields
In gathering and injection piping - tank farms - oil and gas processing systems - for sour gas and water handling systems. For Christmas trees - pumps - valves - and wherever it is important to guard against the loss of product.
Petroleum Marketing Facilities
In terminal and tank farm piping - marine and airport fueling systems - and other product handling facilities where it is essential to prevent loss of product or damage due to a flange leak or blowout.
LNG and SNG Systems
For loading, unloading, liquefaction, regasification and processing of LNG - the production and processing of SNG - and wherever it is essential to provide a leak-proof flange for use from cryogenic to very high temperatures.
Pipeline and Distribution Piping
In compressor and pumping station piping - metering and measurement facilities - valves and other control equipment - and elsewhere on a mainline piping system where a long-lasting, leak-proof flange is essential. In gas distribution piping - underground storage facilities - town border
stations - industrial meter-regulator sets - and district regulators.
In piping systems for heavy gasoline - caustic - acid based materials - carbon slurry - and wherever it is essential to protect plant and personnel from damage due to flange leaks or blowouts.






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