AirLINE Ex Type 8650 is a modular electricaland pneumatic automation system that controlscomplex processes in hazardous areas (Zone1 / 21).The protection class “intinsically safe” (EEx-i)of electronic modules and valves allows thechange of modules during operation.With the modules of the cooperation partnerSiemens, Bürkert offers electrical, analogueand digital I/O functions for use in zone 0.A data set on a SD-Card with serialised datawill be delivered as a complete system.
System structure
Number of valves
Valve types 6524 / 6525
Valve types 6526 / 6527
max. width of the system
max. 48 valve functions
max. 32 valve functions
1070 mm (inclusive Siemens modules)
(see Technical data in the operating instructions)