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TY10GA6224/6226 Industrial/Environmental Logging SLM噪音计ZX21


GA6224/6226 Industrial/Environmental Logging SLM噪音计

GA6224/6226 Industrial/Environmental Logging SLM噪音计
订 货 号:ZY298177 品    牌:Castle 产    地:英国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Measuring noise really does not have to be complicated, even for the novice, and the Castle GA6224 (Class 1) and GA6226 (Class 2) Integrating Sound Level Meters are designed with this in mind.
These meters are ideally equipped for carrying out Noise at Work Risk Assessments, as well as the majority of environmental survey work. The range of parameters measured, the wide measuring capability of the meters and the ease of use, mean that this equipment is suitable for anything from aircraft noise to lawnmower design, and from construction sites to laboratories.
Noise at Work Measurements
These noise meters provide the essential measurements required by the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2006, including Leq (equivalent continuous level) in 慉?and 慍?weightings, and Cpeak. The meters can data-log any of these parameters in up to 10,000 data-memories, making it more than powerful enough for the task in hand.
Environmental Monitoring
Also ideally suited to environmental monitoring, these meters can measure 5 selectable percentile values and sound exposure (LE). Most environmental measurements require Leq and L90 plus possibly one or two other measurements. These can all be measured simultaneously and data-logged into its 10,000 data-point memory.
Multi-purpose Measurement
Many sound measuring tasks require the measurement of Leq (equivalent continuous level), Lmax (Maximum rms level), LE (Sound Exposure) or percentiles, and all of these can be completed using these meters with their accessories.
The Castle GA6224 (Class 1) Integrating Sound Level Meter and GA6226 (Class 2) have easy to follow menu systems and clearly marked keys, all designed to make the meter simple-to-use. The back-lit LCD display is also very clear with large figures and a quasi-analogue display bar to show the changes in sound level as they happen.
Equivalent continuous level (Leq) 5 user selectable percentile values (Ln) Wide Linearity range of 90dB RS232 for data output to optional software Memory storage for 10,000 datapoints Back-lit LCD display
Supplied with meter and carry case.
Standards GA6224 : Conforms with IEC 61672-1:2002 Class 1, IEC 60651:1979 and IEC 60804:2000 Type 1
Microphone GA6224 : 7146N 1/2" electret condenser microphone
Standards GA6226 : Conforms with IEC 61672-1:2002 Class 2, IEC 60651:1979 and IEC 60804:2000 Type 2
Microphone GA6226 : 7052N 1/2" electret condenser microphone
Measuring ranges : 27 - 130dB(A), 38 - 130dB(C), 41 - 130dB(F)
Frequency range : 20Hz - 20kHz
Time weighting : FAST, SLOW, IMPULSE
Peak range : 50 - 133dB(A), 60 - 133dB(C), 70 - 133dB(F)
Level range : Six ranges: 20 - 80dB, 20 - 90dB, 20 - 100dB, 20 - 110dB, 30 - 120dB, 40 - 130dB
Linearity range : 90dB
Frequency weighting : A, C, FLAT
Measurement items : Lp, LMH, Leq, LAe, Lmax, Lmin, Lx (L5, L10, L50, L90, L95), Peak
Measurement time : 1s, 3s, 5s, 10s, 1min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, 1h, 8h, 24h manual (max: 199h 59m 59s)
Sampling interval : 20.8祍 (Leq), 10ms (Lmax, Lmin)
Lx Sampling interval : 100ms
Display : LCD with backlight (128?4 dots)
Digital display : Four line, resolution 0.1dB (display update 1s)
Bar display : Display update: 0.1s
Warning : Over range: +3dB from upper limited scale
Under range : -0.6dB from lower limited scale
Battery display : Four level display of battery condition
Built-in memory : Approximately 10, 000 samples: 1, 000 sets of results
Built-in calendar : Year/month/day/ hour : minute : second
Pause : Pause and a function that deletes preceding 3 or 5 sec. data
Calibration signal : Internal generator (1 kHz sine wave)
AC output : 1Vrms (FS), output impedance: 600O, load impedance > 10kO
DC output : 2.5V (FS), 0.25V/10dB, output impedance: 50O, load impedance > 10kO
RS232 interface : RS-232C (asynchronous); data bits : 8 bits; stop bit : 1 bit; parity : none; baud rate : 4800, 9600, 19200 bps
Power supply : Four 1.5V size-AA batteries or AC adapter
Battery life : Alkaline batteries: 20 hours continuous operation. Use of LCD backlight will shorten battery life (approximately 1/3)
Operating temperature : -10 to +50癈
Humidity : 30% to 90% (without condensation)
Size : 85(W) ?287(H) ?46(D) mm
Weight : 370g (including batteries)


GA6224/6226 Industrial/Environmental Logging SLM噪音计


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CastleGA6224/6226 Industrial/Environmental Logging SLM噪音计


按字母分类: A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| 热门一| 热门二| 热门三| 热门四| 热门五|

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