Model: LM-80数字光度计
Digital Light Meter
Dual measurement capability in Foot-Candles or Lux
Measures from 0.01 to 20,000 Foot-Candles or Lux
Measurement ranges of 20/200/2000/20,000 fc or Lux
Analog DC Voltage output to operate with a Chart Recorder or Data Logger
Measuring rate of 2.0 times/sec
Data and Peak Hold features
Cosine corrected for the angular incidence of light (C.I.E sensitivity adjustment to photo optic curve)
CE Approved
Dual measurement capability in Foot-Candles or Lux
Measures from 0.01 to 20,000 Foot-Candles or Lux
Measurement ranges of 20/200/2000/20,000 fc or Lux
Analog DC Voltage output to operate with a Chart Recorder or Data Logger
Measuring rate of 2.0 times/sec
Data and Peak Hold features
Cosine corrected for the angular incidence of light (C.I.E sensitivity adjustment to photo optic curve)
CE Approved