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TY10AquaMax 2000洗板机ZX21


AquaMax 2000洗板机

AquaMax 2000洗板机
订 货 号:zy395665 品    牌:美国Molecular Devices 产    地:美国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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The 4-in-1 AquaMax line of microplate washers are self-contained microplate washer systems.
AquaMax® Microplate Washers are configurable with user interchangeable heads for both 96- and 384-well microplate washing applications, including plate or cell washing.
When the AquaMax Microplate Washer is used for biochemical assays such as ELISA, the system is configured with the 96 or 384 plate wash heads to vigorously remove unbound material and reagents in microplate wells.  By thoroughly washing plates, researchers can achieve lower background in their assays.
For cell-based assays, the AquaMax Washer can be configured with the 96- and 384-well cell wash heads.  Cell wash heads have angled dispensing pins to allow extremely gentle washing of weakly adherent cell types, maintaining cell integrity while ensuring thorough washing.
Wash heads can be changed in 30 seconds with no tools using the innovative head latch mechanism.  No recalibration is necessary and all heads are recognized by the AquaMax Washer base.  By changing heads, users can effectively have 4 plate washers in the space of 1.
The AquaMax Washer is available in two different configurations: The AquaMax 2000 Microplate Washer has two fluid inlets; the AquaMax 4000 Microplate Washer has four fluid inlets and additional programming capabilities. Both systems have the same unique onboard touch screen computer for all programming, operation, and maintenance of the system.  No external computer is necessary with the AquaMax Microplate Washers.
AquaMax Washers have several important maintenance features, since the lack of proper washer maintenance is the number one cause of washer failure.  Using the One-Touch AutoClean allows the user to completely clean out the entire fluid path.  Auto Shutdown leaves the system empty and dry after a user defined interval, preventing the buildup of contaminants.
The AquaMax Washers can be integrated with the StakMax Plate Handling System for batches up to 50 plates.  When the AquaMax Washer is integrated with the StakMax System, users can automatically wash 20 plates in under 13 minutes. For higher throughput needs, the AquaMax Washers can be integrated with any of the major microplate automation providers.



AquaMax 2000洗板机


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美国Molecular DevicesAquaMax 2000洗板机


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