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TY10Laminar M流量计ZX21


Laminar M流量计

Laminar M流量计
订 货 号:ZY289691 品    牌:普雷登 产    地:英国 市 场 价: 折 扣 价: 发货周期:现货或5天内
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Laminar M系列流量计
M Series mass flow transmitters calibrated for air as standard but available for use on many types of gas. By measuring the differential pressure produced by flow through a laminar flow element, an inherently linear reading is converted using modern electronics to give a voltage output, and an integral liquid crystal display. With a ten-millisecond response time, these units out-perform most thermal type meters.
More details:
The M series "NON-THERMAL" Mass Flowmeters use discrete Differential Pressure, Absolute Pressure, and Temperature sensor measurements within the laminar flow region to determine mass flow. The embedded microprocessor provides a software-based STP calculation compensated for pressure and temperature to standard conditions (1 atmosphere 25°Celsius). The M series addresses the limitations of thermal mass flow technologies, as there is no "Hot Wire" drift. The unit has an adjustable response time starting from 10 milliseconds. The dynamic display shows mass flow, volumetric flow, temperature and absolute pressure simultaneously. With the push button interface, the user can select the primary display, gas of interest (13 standard gases featured), adjust meter response time or tare the meter at zero flow.
Other gas calibrations available, including: argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ethane, helium, hydrogen, methane, nitric oxide, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen and propane.
Calibration to 0.5% of full scale, other output types and units with 13 gas switch select are available. Please consult Sales.
Blind units are available, please consult Sales for prices.
Flow Rate Max
1000.00 L/min
Operating Temperature
50.00 ºC
Operating Pressure
8.60 BarG
±1% of full scale
±0.5% of full scale
Response Time
10 msec
Pressure Drop
Less than 30mbar
Turndown Ratio
Wetted Materials
Nickel Plated Anodised Aluminium, St. Steel, Viton, Silicon Gel, RTV, Nylon & Glass Reinforced Nylon

Laminar M流量计


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4.TY10Laminar M流量计价格根据配置和货期不同而不同,具体以合同为准.
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普雷登Laminar M流量计


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