o Dielectric constants as low as 1.1.
o Detects solids, liquids or interface.
o Ignores coatings and buildup.
o Protected against static electricity.
Technical Advantage Patented Sensitivity selection.
Approval Intrinsically safe by R.I.I.S.,Japan.
Conformity EMI(EN50081-2 1993).
General Description The NOHKEN K series of RF sensors are made specifically for point-level detection of liquids, solids or interface between two immiscible liquids.
There are three versions of K series. Model KRV is standard for universal applications. Model KRE is Intrinsically safe version. Model KSV is considered for use in sticky conductive medium.
Conventional RF capacitance point-level sensors are traditionally used to detect liquids but not solids due to potential detection errors. The sensitivity of RF sensors is typically calibrated for a large dielectric constant range for use in liquids and cannot be successfully modified for use in solids.
The KRV overcomes this limitation by having a parallel LC circuit on its oscillator and five switch-selected sensitivity ranges. This wide
operational range covers not only for very small dielectric constants as low as 1.1 but for large as same as conventional RFs. The KRV series easily detects solid medium such as plastic powders/pellets, fly ash, carbon black and similar substances.
The sensitivity selection also helps minimize errors caused by medium buildup. Even though the buildup decreases its resistance, the sensitivity is constantly stable.
Since having only one rigid electrode, not two or three, the KRV is mechanically stronger than the conventional RF. It can be mounted in virtually any position and is available with a number of standard mountings.
Applications The K series is designed for use in a wide range of industrial process applications. For example, liquids such as water, oil, chemicals, etc. Viscous mediums such as sludge and slurries. Boundary surfaces between two liquids. Granular and powdery mediums such as carbon, cement, plastic pellets and plastic powders.
K series reliably detects the level of medium which has the stable dielectric constants.